
This study by Grzegorz Motyka, Rafał Wnuk, Tomasz Stryjek and Adam F. Baran analyzes the anti-Soviet underground in East-Central Europe in 1944-53. The authors (with the exception of Adam F. Baran) took part in the event, discussing the issues covered in their book, their research methods, collection of documents and archival surveys.
| Kultura
On 1 September 2012, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bogdan Zdrojewski, Gdańsk Mayor Paweł Adamowicz, Head of the Prime Minister’s Office Tomasz Arabski and Director of the Museum of the Second World War Professor Paweł Machcewicz conducted the ceremony of setting the foundation stone of the museum building.
During this historical tour, organized with the participation of re-enactment groups, participants became acquainted with some of the war events connected with the history of the region and referring among others to the Nazi occupation, Polish Secret State and the Red Army’s offensive in Pomerania in 1945.
| Archiwum
On 11 October 2011 in the History Meeting House in Warsaw, the Internal Security Agency deposited a German Enigma encrypting machine at the Museum of the Second World War. It will be shown in the permanent exhibition.
| Exhibition
W dniu 12 lipca 2011r. na terenie byłej zajezdni przy ul. Wałowej rozpoczęły się prace przygotowawcze na obszarze przeznaczonym na siedzibę Muzeum II Wojny Światowej. Są to roboty rozbiórkowe przygotowujące teren do wejścia archeologów.
W dniu 17 czerwca 2011 r. na Westerplatte otwarto ścieżkę edukacyjną przygotowaną przez Muzeum II Wojny Światowej. Uzupełnia ona wystawę plenerową „Westerplatte: Kurort – Bastion – Symbol”, skupiając uwagę zwiedzających na architekturze i topografii terenu.
| Archiwum
On 11 April 2011 an agreement was signed in Brussels between the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk and the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and of Military History in Brussels. It stipulated the donation of a Sherman M4 Firefly tank and a British 25-pound MKII Howitzer to the Museum of the Second World War.
A workshop for museum directors was organized by our Museum on 24-25 January 2011 in Gdańsk.
In January 2011, the European Parliament declared that it would serve as a patron to the creation of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk.
| Exhibition