Questions and answers

Question: "In the team we have a person with a degree of Master of Science in Architecture, who at the same time has a building license in architectural specialty to design without restrictions, but is not an active member of the Chamber of Architects. 

The question is whether such a person meets your requirements? 

In further proceedings, will such a status have an impact on the possible awarding of the prize or not, and on the invitation to negotiate under a direct order?”

Ordering Party's answer: Pursuant to §9 sec. 1 a), the following will be assessed as meeting the requirements of participation in the competition: a) entities having at least 1 person who will participate in the preparation of the competition work, having at least the title of MSc in Architecture, building qualifications in the architectural specialty to design without any limitations and being entered on the list of members of the relevant Chamber of Architects. 

Thus, the design team may include a person who is not entered on the list of architects of the relevant chamber of architects, provided that another member of the design team has a master's degree in architecture, possesses the license to design without restrictions and is entered on the list of members of the relevant chamber of architects.  


Question: Can only Polish citizens participate in the competition?

Answer: According to the contest regulations, the competition is also open to persons who are not Polish citizens. The competition is held in Polish.


Question: Is it possible to send an application to participate in the competition by e-mail, or should one send an application via a post office or courier?

Answer: In accordance with §16, sec. 1 of the Regulations of the competition, applications for admission to the competition should be submitted in writing. The Ordering Party does not specify whether the application should be sent by post or by courier. The decision is up to the participants. 


Question: Is a written power of attorney sufficient or is a notarial power of attorney required? Notarial power of attorney is much more difficult to achieve in case of combined, international teams.

Answer: A notarial power of attorney is not required.  


Question: In Appendix 2 - "List of persons” - we should enter our experience. Is it enough to indicate the design office for which the person worked and an example of one or two projects?

Answer: In the experience field you should indicate the design office for which a given person has worked and the projects.  

 Question: “Referring to section XVI of the Competition Regulations related to the awards awarded in the competition, we would like to ask whether the gross amount is the award that the award winner receives for a place/honorable mention within the meaning of Article 30(1)(2) of the Act of Personal Income Tax, i.e. charged with a 10% tax (on the award), or the author of the award will have to issue an invoice in return for transferring their author’s economic rights to the award-winning works as well as copyrights in media on which the awarded works have been recorded, thus, they will be forced to pay VAT and income tax on the award?”
Answer: The author of the award-winning work, who conducts their business activity, issues a VAT invoice for the Ordering Party in return for transferring copyrights in the award-winning work as well as copyrights in media in a gross amount. Moreover, net income of the awarded person will be subject to tax depending on the organizational form of the awarded person, PIT or CIT. A 10% lump-sum tax on awards applies to natural persons who do not conduct their business activity only.


Where can I find the competition documents translated into English? 
Please note that the competition is conducted in Polish.  Therefore, the competition documents should be translated into other languages by the parties concerned on their own.


A Participant of the competition has the right to address any enquiries about the Competition Regulations to the Ordering Party.

Enquiries regarding the Competition Regulations should be addressed to the Ordering Party:

1) electronically via e-mail:;

2) in writing to the following address:

Muzeum II Wojny Światowej w Gdańsku, Plac Władysława Bartoszewskiego 1, 80-862 Gdańsk.
The Ordering Party publishes the enquiry together with the given clarification on the website