Funeral ceremonies of the Defenders of Westerplatte 4/11

Funeral ceremonies of the Defenders of Westerplatte 4/11

 On November 4th, we invite you to participate in the funeral ceremonies of the Defenders of Westerplatte. For their conviction, fight and heroism. Years later, our duties towards these Polish soldiers will be fulfilled; their memory, respect, and finally their funerals.

The discovery by archaeologists from the Museum of the Second World War of the graves of the defenders of Westerplatte has a special dimension, one that is not only scientific, but also - and perhaps above all - social and patriotic. The heroic defense of the Polish outpost in September 1939 became a symbol of steadfastness and courage in the fight against evil, and so are the heroes themselves - characters embodying the best qualities of soldiers, citizens and Poles.

The unwavering conviction of these soldiers from Westerplatte, still present in our social consciousness and consolidated in Polish culture, is an important indicator of morality and of making the right choices for more and more generations of Poles. The inability to honour the fallen heroes from their graves has meant that the history of the defense of the peninsula has been somewhat incomplete, unfinished. In the case of the fallen defenders, the paradigm deeply rooted in culture, which requires the deceased to be dignified, has not before now been completed.

The discovery of the remains of the Polish soldiers, their personal identification and the ceremonial funeral - this is our duty to the defenders as heroes, and also simply as the dead. The significance of this undertaking cannot be overestimated for us as a community, both in the symbolic and historical spheres.


godz. 9:00 – msza św. w bazylice św. Brygidy.

godz. 10:15-11:15 – przejazd kolumny wojskowej na Westerplatte. Uroczysty kondukt wiozący trumny złożony z aut Ford Ranger przejedzie przez miasto ulicami: Katarzynki, Rajska, Podwale Grodzkie, Wały Jagiellońskie, Okopowa (przez estakadę), Podwale Przedmiejskie, Elbląska, mjr. Henryka Sucharskiego (przez most wantowy Jana Pawła II).

od godz. 11:30 – uroczystości pogrzebowe na Westerplatte z udziałem Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Andrzeja Dudy, Wiceprezesa Rady Ministrów, Ministra Obrony Narodowej Mariusza Błaszczaka, Sekretarza Stanu w Ministerstwie Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Dyrekcji Muzeum II Wojny Światowej w Gdańsku, Prezesa Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej,  Rodzin Westerplatczyków, kombatantów, delegacji, przedstawicieli władz samorządowych i państwowych oraz mieszkańców Gdańska i pozostałych gości.


3 listopada 2022r. w godzinach 15:00-18:00 odbędzie się pożegnanie Obrońców Westerplatte - wystawienie trumien na widok publiczny w bazylice św. Brygidy w Gdańsku.




Programme for the funeral ceremonies of the defenders of Westerplatte - November 4th, 2022:

9:00 - Holy Mass at St. Brigitte church.

10: 15 - 11:15 - travel of the military funeral column to Westerplatte.

From 11:30 - funeral ceremonies at Westerplatte.

Farewell to the Defenders of Westerplatte at St. Brigitte church in Gdańsk on November 3rd, 2022, between 15:00 and 18:00.