For you, Poland - Silesia. An open-air exhibition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Silesia's return to the motherland
Location: square in front of the Museum
AVAILABLE: 20.07.2022 – 20.08.2022
The idea of the exhibition is to present the history of the Upper Silesia region to people from outside this part of the country through the prism of relations with other Polish regions. Despite the centuries-old national identity of Poland and Upper Silesia, their ties have remained strong, especially in culture, language and religion.
The exhibition presents the most important events - the so-called ‘milestones’ - in the history of Silesia, from the earliest times (the Middle Ages) to the 20th century, the return of Silesia to the motherland and the region’s functioning in the Second Polish Republic.
To demonstrate the content, key moments in the history of this part of the Republic of Poland have been selected, intertwined with interesting facts, which often symbolise the culture and history of the region. The main aim of the exhibition is to fulfill the important task of explaining and illustrating the turbulent fate of Silesia, giving rise to reflection and understanding of the past and present of the inhabitants of Silesia. This is because it was they, who, by keeping their identity and culture unchanged, over a hundred years ago, won their ultimate accession to Poland.