Seven looks at Westerplatte
Czas otwarcia 01.09.2017 - 30.09.2018
Lokalizacja poziom -3
Wstęp 5 zł
The exhibition Seven looks at Westerplatte – presentation of the findings of the first stage of the archaeological research on Westerplatte showcases the results of the first season of archaeological research on Westerplatte, with a focus on the findings related to the history of the Westerplatte Military Transit Depot. The exhibition is a unique opportunity to witness the living history toldthrough the accounts of the heroic defenders of Westerplatte and to see over 200 unique exhibits related to individual strongholds, to the seven-day siege, and to the soldiers that faced the German attack.
As part of the project to restore the Historical Monument “The Battlefield of Westerplatte
Peninsula”, Museum Westerplatte and 1939 War has developed a research programme involving archaeological work in the area of the Military Transit Depot and the areas occupied by the German formations laying siege to Westerplatte. The several-seasons-long research programme strives to document the state of the ruins of the Military Transit Depot and of the field fortifications erected in anticipation of the German attack, as well as uncover artefacts related to the Polish soldiers stationed on Westerplatte and to the battles fought during the siege of the Depot.
The first season of archaeological research encompasses an area of 8,000 sq. meters which constitutes only around 1.5% of the area given to Poland in 1925. In 2016 the research documented the remnants of the Officer Villa, confirmed the location of Guardhouse No 5, and uncovered 4,260 artefacts dated from a period between the 17th and 20th centuries.
While on numerous occasions the area had been scanned for the presence of explosives and hazardous materials, the soldiers of the 43rd Navy Sapper Battalion found 132 such items, including 150 mm, 88 mm and 40 mm artillery shots, hand grenades, fragments of incendiary bombs, Panzerfaust 60 rockets, and rifle rounds of various calibres.
Wystawa ukazuje najciekawsze zabytki odnalezione w trakcie pierwszego etapu badań archeologicznych przeprowadzonych na obszarze Pomnika Historii Pole Bitwy na Westerplatte. Za pomocą ok. 200 eksponatów, zaprezentowano w siedmiu tematycznych odsłonach dramat siedmiodniowych walk, w trakcie których nieliczni polscy obrońcy zostali dosłownie zasypani przez Niemców tysiącami bomb i pocisków. Archeolodzy wydobyli na światło dzienne cudem ocalałe przedmioty, wiele z nich z unikalnym kontekstem, świadczące o życiu przed i po Wielkiej Bitwie.