The Organizers

Nagroda im. ppłk. Jana KowalewskiegoThe organizers of Colonel Jan Kowalewski Award:

Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk 

Gdańsk University of Technology.

The winners will be selected by an international panel of experts composed of representatives of the world of science, historians, researchers and publicists, as well as a relative of the Prize's patron.


The  Award Chapter is composed of:

  • Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Chairman
  • Karol Nawrocki, PhD (Director of the Second World War Museum in Gdańsk), Chairman
  • Prof. Tadeusz Wolsza, PhD (Chairman of the Museum Council at the Ministry of Internal Affairs),
  • Prof. Jerzy Grzywacz (President of the Pomeranian Region of the World Union of Home Army Soldiers, member of the Museum Council),
  • Hugo Kowalewski-Ferreira (grandson of Lt. Col. Jan Kowalewski),
  • Prof. Stanisław Radwański (sculptor, rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk in 1990-1996),
  • Prof. Tomasz Szubrycht (Rear Admiral, Rector - Commander of the Naval Academy in Gdynia),
  • Prof. Jerzy Kowalewski-Ferreira (grandson of Lieutenant Colonel Jan Kowalewski),
  • Prof. Stanisław Filipek (chemist, a scholar of Japanese),
  • Piotr Gursztyn (Editor, Communication Director of Polish Television),
  • Thierry Hubscher (Director of Memorial de Verdun),
  • Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Lysenko (Head of the Department of World War II History at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences).


The Colonel Jan Kowalewski Award has been granted the Honorary Patronages of the following state institutions:

  • Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education

