Kartka wykonana w obozie koncentracyjnym Dachau z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Nowego Roku na przełomie 1944/1945 roku. Po rozłożeniu karty widoczne trzy strony zapełnione odręcznymi podpisami więźniów obozu. W prawym górnym rogu prawej strony znajduje się data 29.IV.45 r., dzień wyzwolenia KL Dachau. Dar Ryszarda Piecha.

The Nationwide Collection of Artifacts also planned for 2021

It gives us a great pleasure to inform you that due to the strong interest shown in the “We will accept Your Personal History” Nationwide Collection of Artifacts, we decided to continue running this initiative until December 31, 2021.

If You would like us to share your family histories with our Visitors, so their memory is preserved, consider donating your World War II memorabilia to our museum. All artifacts will be treated with utmost care and well protected against the process of deterioration.

Some of the donated artifacts will be made available for viewing on our website on an ongoing basis. There will be an opportunity for the most valuable artifacts  to find their way into the main exhibition, as well as the temporary exhibitions held at the Museum. They will also form the keystone of our album-format publication, where we will do our best to tell the family histories of our Donors by means of showcasing the artifacts we received from them. 

We look forward to seeing You at the headquarters of our Museum located at 1 Władysława Bartoszewskiego Square in Gdańsk, until December 31, 2021:

• From Monday until Friday between 8:30 - 16:00
•  at our email address: zbiorka2019@muzeum1939.pl
•  or you can call us at tel.: +48 58 323 75 43

During stage one of the initiative we collected more than 2000 artifacts, including amongst others a Turkish yatagan, which according to family legend was acquired at the Battle of Vienna, as well as a cross that belonged to Józefa Kwiczal, codename Mat, member of ZWZ-AK in Kraków.

We would like to thank all our generous Donors, who in the process of donating their artefacts have enriched the collections of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk.